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A Glimpse into the Events Industry

A Glimpse into the Events Industry
by Samaquias Lorta -
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emme press shot

A Glimpse into the Events Industry

Thursday 2nd March, 18:00, CoMingle

Join Emme Moises, former Catalyst student and electronic musician, for a conversation about the ins & outs in the world of events. Signed with ModularField as EMME, she has had a wealth of experience in the event industry, working for Funkhaus Events, InTheory corporate events, Nordic Film Music Awards, A Maze Festival, Ableton Loop Create, Katerblau, Trauma and more. Join her as she provides a practical glimpse into the event industry and its opportunities.

  • What job opportunities exist in the events industry, and what do they look like?
  • What are some risks and benefits of working in events?
  • What advice can be given to students in order to manage both industry and creative projects? 

This Q&A session will cover topics such as harmonizing creative and business-related productions, different forms of work opportunities within events, risks and benefits as an artist.

This workshop will be highlighting the FLINTA communities, but all are welcome to join in on the conversation. Events can cover a broad spectrum of themes, mediums, and groups. This encompasses commercial, non-profit, creative, and/or industry-specific occasions.

/// About EMME

Emme Moises is an electronic musician, producer and live performer from Argentina, based in Berlin. Creating and performing across live both visual and audio performances in Europe and South America since 2016. Her music absorbs the audience and invites them on an inward journey where reality is perceived and transformed through sound. Beside her engagements as a composer, she has been working as an event technician and production manager, for music concerts, live streams, digital & hybrid events, corporate and artistic, covering all areas from stagehand, sound/light or video technician, planning, execution, etc.

EMME Portfolio

Talking to the Spheres
