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Call For Works: Spatial Sound Festival 2023

Call For Works: Spatial Sound Festival 2023
by Hannah Deans -
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FROM ALL SIDES: Spatial Sound Festival - call for works

Inaugurating Catalyst’s newly renovated octophonic performance lab (EMP Lab), we’re launching a mini Spatial Sound Festival this March. Over the course of three days, we’ll explore multichannel performances, installations, and fixed media compositions which explore creative approaches to space, time, movement and perception - and we want you! 


Any works that engage with spatial sound. Ideally, you would propose works for 8 channel sound that utilize either our new EMP Lab 8 channel sound system or the P1 Multichannel Room 8 channel sound system. However, any pieces with any amount of (easily available) speakers and/or spaces could work.


  • Deadline for submissions is February 28
  • Festival dates are March 9+10+11, 2023

If you have any questions, please reach out to