International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
/// November 25
/ Catalyst Institute (Co-Mingle Space)
/ Hosted by Etikett Radio + Student Support
/ 16:00 - 21:45
/// Overview
/ An evening dedicated to providing awareness and community to the female identity. Women worldwide are reckoning with forces that seek to abuse, harm, and control both the bodies and minds of women. Students, staff, and communities are coming together on November 25th from 16:00 - 21:45 for International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
/ We will hear music that tells stories of our eastern sisters, see a film that journeys through gender abuse, engage with a Therapeutic Writing Workshops, and dance to our collective energies. Support this cause by bringing your friends & peers.
/// Programme
Please click the links for descriptions of events and the "calendar" links to add it to your Google Calendar:
/ 16:00 - 16:30 → Séve (calendar)
/ 16:30 - 17:00 → Agona Shporta (calendar)
/ 17:00 - 17:30 → Nilgün & Lali (calendar)
/ 17:30 - 18:00 → La Mujer Tambor (calendar)
/ 18:15 - 18:55 → LA INVISIBLE (calendar)
/ 19:00 - 20:30 → Dear Body: A Therapeutic Writing Workshop (calendar) – please note this event is hybrid in-person + Zoom
/ 20:30 - 21:00 → Sister Clara and the Space Nuns (calendar)
/ 21:00 - 21:45 → DJ MAPA (calendar)
Some details of the events are subject to change, so please check the Student Events calendar.If you aren't subscribed to it already, please do so by clicking the link above.
For any questions, please contact