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Grant for the start or graduation year of study.

Grant for the start or graduation year of study.
by Jennifer Vaz -
Number of replies: 0

There is an opportunity to apply for a one time subsidy from the state, for students who are just starting their studies or those who will be graduating in a year. The application period is from Sept 15th to Oct 15th. (Next application period is from March 15 - April 15).

Eligibility : 1st year students and Final year i.e graduating students. 

Amount - EUR 1000. 

Grants are limited and are aimed at students who are struggling financially.

Catalyst does not handle these applications. So for any questions, you can find more information on the STW Berlin site : here. 

For letter of enrolment+ Immatrikulationsbescheinigung: 

1st years - please refer documents sent with your acceptance letter.

Final year students- please refer document sent after payment of your enrolment fee. 

Hope this helps!


Jennifer Vaz