Introduction to Ambisonics with Into Sound
Over three sessions, Catalyst Berlin invites Into Sound and Jakob Gille to give students from across our courses insight and experience into possibilities of ambisonics >
- Places are are limited and registration is required for each individual session.
- Those selected to take part in the Working with Envelop for Ableton Live workshop should be available to attend all 3 sessions.
- Register here:
/// Session #1: Introduction to Ambisonics
In this first session, Jakob will give an overview about the history and the underlying theories of ambisonics. Starting from simple stereo playback to complex ambisonic loudspeaker setups, we will dive into this wonderful topic, which in the near future will get more and more important.
WHEN: Thursday 17th March, 18:30 - 20:30
WHERE: Matrix
WHO: any student of Catalyst (limited places)
/// Session #2: Working with Envelop for Ableton Live
In this workshop for a limited number of students, Jakob will demonstrate an easy and free workflow inside Ableton Live to work with ambisonic audio. Students should bring with them a laptop with Ableton installed, and some material to work with.
WHEN: Thursday 24th March, 17:00 - 21:00
WHERE: Matrix
WHO: 2nd & 3rd year EMP & CAP, and music MA students only. Max 10 students only
/// Session #3: Listening Session
In this mini concert, students from the Working with Envelop workshop will have the opportunity to present their new ambisonic compositions.
WHEN: Thursday 31st March, 19:00 - 20:30
WHERE: Matrix
WHO: any student of Catalyst (limited places)
Register for all sessions here: