September events - volunteers & performers wanted!
Hi everyone,
We have a range of volunteering opportunities coming up in September and we'd love your help. Plus we're also looking for performers for the Welcome Party on Friday 17th at gART.n (behind Gaswerksiedlung). Details below!
Welcome Day 2021, Monday 13th Sept
- helping our new students navigate the day and our spaces, and making them feel welcome!
- snapping some awesome polaroid pics
Welcome Party, Friday 17th Sept
- grillmeisters, BBQ prep, serving, check-in hosts
- performers wanted: all formats and styles are welcome! We are mainly looking for chill, groovy, bouncy and funky vibes, but we are always open for new and different material.
Graduation, Saturday 25th Sept
- welcoming guests, tour guides, technical & livestream support
- supporting Storytelling in capturing the moment
- this is a hybrid event, which will be filmed and live streamed, plus a post-ceremony reception
How to:
Thank you and see you soon! 😁