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Semester B Grades

Semester B Grades
by Jamie Thomas -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Everyone, 

All results for Semester B have now been published.

Please note these results are considered provisional until they have been confirmed by the MARJON (University of St Mark and St John) Exam Board the next time they meet.

You can access your grades and feedback by heading to the Moodle homepage and logging in, then clicking the little Arrow (carrot) next to your name top right, then Grades, finally the course you're registered on (FP-18, SA-18).

The pass mark is 40 for undergraduate and 50 for post-graduate students or above.

I've failed a module, what now?
For the majority of you you'll be offered to resit any failed projects. You'll receive further information about this once MARJON Exam Board has met. The Catalyst Admin Team will send specific information (what's expected, deadline etc) to those needing to resit once this has happened.

I've received a valid extenuating circumstances claim, what now?
For those that have received confirmation of extenuating circumstances and did not submit within the 10 working days you will be contacted by the Admin team with a new deadline for your EC work. 

Please note: MARJON have instigated a Safety Net policy that means if you received between 30-39 (40-49 for MA students), then these result can be condoned and you do not necessarily need to complete a resit. However, the option will still be sent to you since you can choose to resit for a higher mark (capped at the pass mark of 40).

For further information please visit this page

Congratulations to all that have just wrapped up their studies!!

All the best,
The Catalyst Admin Team