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Collaboration Pitching & Meet-up #2

Collaboration Pitching & Meet-up #2
by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0

This Thursday night we have our second Collaboration Pitching & Meet-up session - in case you missed the first, have a new idea to present or just want to come again.

When: Thursday 11th Feb, 19:00
Facebook event:

/// This is for you if you:
- are a Catalyst creator
- are interested in connecting with other students from different classes, years or disciplines
- have a project you would like to find collaborator/s for
- are just curious!

/// Want to present?
Send an email to with a title, your course & a brief description, and I will schedule you a time. Things you might like to include when you present:
- introduce yourself and what you create
- introduce your project, what's the big idea?
- what stage is it at? If you have a timeline of any sort, this is good to include
- what's needed; what and/or who are you looking for to make this happen?
- anything that's already completed or that gives an example; music tracks, samples, storyboards, mood boards etc.

If you don't have a project but are looking to join one, bring samples of what you do!

/// Don’t want to pitch?

No worries! You don’t have to have a project in mind in order to join. If you’re just interested in meeting people or seeing what’s being created around the school, come along. Or if you just don’t feel ready to present yet, you can watch and see how it goes - there will also be a chance for those inspired on the night to have a go too.

This is an opportunity to meet other creators, exchange ideas, project intentions and creator profiles. We invite you to find inspiration and fuel our community spirit 🤗