Leadership for everyone
In a year when so much has been taken away from us, I have a gift to offer you.
On January 25th 2021 we start our second online leadership course for team members, students and alumni at Catalyst. The course has been delivered at more than 50 universities around the world. We will be delivering it in partnership with Screenology, a film school in the UK.
The leadership you will learn about on this course provides you with an important and practical set of tools that will help you build yourself a future that you love, when you leave Catalyst.
“Why would I want to learn about leadership?” is a common question asked by artists, musicians, filmmakers and actors. To be clear, we are not talking about the type of leadership which is an attempt to control and coerce others. We wouldn’t even call that leadership. We would call that tyranny.
To read more detail including feedback from fellow students, please visit the new course page on our website.
If you are interested can I request you make an application asap to guarantee your place and to ensure plenty of time for the pre-course reading and assignments.
I leave you with feedback from one participant when asked what they got from the course:-
"More focus. Less hesitation. More action. More kindness. More attention. More presence. More tranquility."
Catalyst Founder
P.S. A version of this course is also delivered to businesses and individuals around the world. The highest price tag I’ve seen so far is a crazy $16,000. We are providing the course for free as part of your learning experience at Catalyst.