DISCOUNT TIX: Sound Sculpture @ Monom
MONOM is offering all students and staff 20% off tickets for this weekend's Sound Sculpture sessions. The series will showcase new virtuosic experiments and sound sculptures of Monom's past commissioned works by adventurous and experimental music innovators.
This weekend, 4th & 5th of July, they will showcase two of their favourite pieces created during the residencies of Caterina Barbieri and Drew Mcdowall.
Coming up in the next sessions- Croatian Amor, Ale Hop, Felix K and Ena, Helm, Oli XL, Thomas Ankersmit, Tiernan Cross, Cobert, Shifted, RROSE, Xenia Xamanek, Abyss X
Plus more TBA.
VERY LIMITED CAPACITY of 36 people per session.
To access the discount use the code "soundsculptures20" when pre-booking a ticket (you will need to then show ID at the door), or show your ID to buy a ticket at the door.
12€ - Each ticket gives access to one session and also to the monom lounge that will be running until 23h - respecting the current restrictions on capacity.