Updates for September
Hi Everyone
Our team have been following the German government’s deliberations and announcements very closely to ensure we can put an optimum plan in place to deliver our courses in September.
Based on the latest information, the great news is that we are expecting to be fully open in September with all classes taking place onsite. A hygiene protocol will be in place to ensure our student community remains safe.
As you may be aware, primary and secondary schools in Germany went back in their final week of term in June without any distancing regulations in place. Their current plan is for this to stay the same when they restart the new school year.
We are aware that some universities across Europe are planning to start their semesters in an online only format. Compared with most universities, our class sizes of 16 are extremely small - indeed they are smaller than the class sizes found in the majority of schools.
This puts us in a strong position to deliver our courses onsite in a way that keeps us all safe whilst complying with all regulations put in place by the German government and the Berlin Senate.
At the same time our team is preparing alternative plans should there be any new stricter regulations put in place. The good news is that in all but the most extreme scenarios, these plans still include onsite attendance - but with extra measures in place to ensure students and the team remain safe.
Our team will continue to revise our plan as new announcements are made.
In the meantime the whole team is looking forward to welcoming you all back in September to enjoy the luxury of real world interaction.
We will be in touch with any further updates as they unfold.
Enjoy your summer everyone