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Your Track on tape for Volume ZERO - Cassette series

Your Track on tape for Volume ZERO - Cassette series
by Christina Gaither -
Number of replies: 0

(For CAP and EMP students)

Submit your track for our first Cassette Tape compilation!

To celebrate our transition into Catalyst at the end of this school year, Yann Clemence and I are curating a compilation of tracks from students who’ve shared their time with us since the early days of dBs Berlin. We’ll be producing a run of cassette tapes with a vibey compilation, which is now only missing 2 tracks: one from our EMP cohort, and one from our CMP cohort for 2019/20. 

How will we chose the featured tracks? We’ll let the community decide :) Tracks will be featured on our Soundcloud for everyone to listen and vote. At the end of May we’ll pick the 2 favourite tracks to be included in the cassette production. Winners will of course be getting copies of the tape and will be featured in the artwork and compilation features. 

From the next school year, we hope to produce this mixtape annually with a variety of works from all students.

Current alumni involved in this first volume are: 
- Breezy
- Carlos Rizzi
- Nicolas Fellas
- Raul Alvarez
- Sarah Kivi
- Oph
- Mattr

How to submit your track for Volume Zero / Catalyst Cassette

- Send your track by the 5th of May to - with a brief story or description
- Your track will be uploaded to the dBs Soundcloud and the link shared with you
- We will ask the community to ‘vote with hearts' for their favourite track. 
- The top EMP and CAP tracks will be selected for the compilation
- We’ll produce the physical cassette tapes with artwork (by Raphaël Faure) by the end of school year
Questions? Give us a shout: 

Take care and stay positive!

A extra few notes for participants:
- Please make sure you have an unmastered version for the actual cassette production. 
- Tracks should not exceed 6-7min total
- Fyi, after the transition - Etikett Radio will taking over our dBs Berlin Soundcloud account and be the official music channel for Catalyst :)