Important Update Pt3: Coronavirus
Following new announcements from the Berlin Senate and the German government we will be closing the campus as of today, Tuesday 17th of March. Deadlines for 3rd Year and MA students have been modified.
My apologies for the almost daily change of plans we are sending you. As I’m sure you’re aware, most governments are issuing new advice on a daily basis and much of that advice impacts our operations. Here is the current state of affairs:-
1st Year & 2nd Year Students
All onsite lessons at dBs Berlin were cancelled with effect from Monday 16th March. Cancelled lessons will be rescheduled following our reopening. We plan to restart onsite lessons from Monday 20th April
The last date of the semester will be extended to 5/6 with hand-in week beginning on the 8/6.
Bookable time is no longer available. We plan to restart normal bookable time from Monday 20th April.
All film students must return currently booked equipment before Friday 20th March.
All classes will have a minimum of one weekly online tutorial in order to discuss your work with your advisor and to keep in touch with developments.
Your programme lead or advisor will be in touch with you during this week with more specific details
MUSIC 3rd Year & MA Students
All lessons will take place online at the usual timetable schedule.
We plan to restart onsite lessons from Monday 20th April
The last date of semester B will be 24th April
Hand-in week begins on the 18th May.
Bookable time for rooms and equipment is no longer available. We plan to restart normal bookable time from Monday 20th April.
Your programme lead or advisor will be in touch with you this week with more specific details
FILM 3rd Year Students
All lessons will be canceled and rescheduled following our reopening
We plan to restart onsite lessons from Monday 20th April
The last date of the semester will be 15th May
Hand-in week begins on the 1st June.
Bookable time for rooms and equipment is no longer available. We plan to restart normal bookable time from Monday 20th April.
Your programme lead or advisor will be in touch with you this week with more specific details
These actions are being taken to contain or delay the impact of the spread of the virus in the wider community. We hope you will support us in this endeavour.
If anything changes as a result of new government advice we will be in touch. With questions or updates about your state of health please email
Stay safe,