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Share your work & endeavours with Storytelling

Share your work & endeavours with Storytelling
by Christina Gaither -
Number of replies: 0
Dear creatives,

Our Storytelling team are always on the hunt for fresh stories to share across our channels. We'd like to promote content about our Acting, Film, VFX and Music students as much as possible. 

Please feel free to get in touch if you'd like us to relay any of your event promotion, releases, screenings, projects, etc (try to give us 1 week notice please). 

We also appreciate receiving any pictures or videos you take inside and outside of the classrooms or on shoots. Make sure you let us know who to tag! You can also ping our accounts directly on social or tag us and we'll share from yours.

Got ideas for a blog story? Bring'em on too. 

Reach out to us anytime at: 

And watch this space for exciting news and projects in 2022.