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by Hannah Deans -
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INTERFACE: a virtual exchange programme, between Catalyst Berlin & Spirit Studios.

After the success of our Interface collaborative project with Spirit Studios last year, we're running the programme again this summer and invite you to take part! 

INTERFACE will connect 4 students from Spirit Studios and 4 students from Catalyst Berlin to collaborate and work on a project of your choice. This could be anything from producing a joint track, creating a musical composition for a film or shooting a music video to showcase a musician's existing work - the creative outcome is up to you.

Apply here:

Working remotely over the summer months, you will cross-collaborate and share ideas on your joint project. This will culminate in a “virtual performance”; aka an online presentation of your projects to a select group of judges. The winning pair will showcase their collaborative work as a live performance or installation at Signals Festival in October. 

Some things to consider before applying: How could a collaboration inspire and shape your current work? What would you gain from working with a creative partner? And how can you utilise this opportunity to creatively grow and cross-pollinate your ideas?

  • The Interface Virtual Exchange Programme is open to first and 2nd year students from all Catalyst programmes of study. 
  • To apply, please fill out this Google Form with all of your details:
  • Deadline for applications: 07 May 2021, 17:00 GMT

Applicants will be selected by tutors and staff from Catalyst Berlin, and those who have been selected will be notified by email on 14 May 2021.  

Last year's winners: 
The Metamorphosis Project by Deckster, an EMP at Spirit Studios, and Parallel Processing (Alix Willhelm), a CAP at Catalyst, presented an audiovisual installation experience at Signals 2020. Listen to this podcast interview with them here:

If you have any questions, please contact