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Bookable Time Increase / Links / Easter Break Operating Hours

Bookable Time Increase / Links / Easter Break Operating Hours
by Nathaniel Suter -
Number of replies: 0
Hi Everyone, 

I hope this message finds you all well. I would like to say thank you all for the great feedback that came in for Semester B. This feedback is really helpful for us in understanding your needs and working to find solutions that might apply across all our different programmes. I have three updates for you in this message with two of them addressing points in that feedback which the tech team could quickly solve. 

First, the way that the weekly room bookable allowance was increased is changing. Rather than multiplying your hours by 1.5X each of you will receive an an additional +5 hours per week until the 31st of March. In almost all cases this change represents a considerable increase in time.  Depending on the situation after this date we will either move back to an Ad-Hoc basis, or continue the +5 hours until the circumstances change. Remember that many of you also have compensation hours that you can use by emailing 

The second point is a link to our Ticket System that you can find on the right side of the front page of Moodle and on the login page of the Booking System. Use this form to submit technical issues, or suggest changes across the facility directly with the technicians. If your issue is more immediate you can also call the Music (+49 30 29009053) or Film Tech  (+49 30 55573942)  directly! You will also find the link to the Track and Trace log in (QR code scan replacement), and a Live Bookings display link. 

The last bit of news is that our operating hours will remain the same throughout the Easter Break (29.03 - 11.04) except that we will be closed on the 30.03 for a team online get together.