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Artist Talk Sonia Paço-Rocchia

Artist Talk Sonia Paço-Rocchia
by Hannah Deans -
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This Thursday, join us for an artist talk by Canadian-European new media artist Sonia Paço-Rocchia, unravelling some of the inner mechanics of and creative process behind developing new electronic music interfaces and interactive sound installations. Discussing new ways of introducing a narrative using a contemporary framework, exploring hybrid connections between a multitude of different environments, ranging from kinetic sound sculptures to web audio interfaces, live coding and electro-acoustic composition.

When: Thursday 4th March, 19:00


This talk is highly recommended for 2nd and 3rd-year EMP students. Please take time to review the work of the artist before the talk and form critical questions:  Hosted by EMP tutor Robin Koek, there will be time for interactive Q&A after the project presentation.
