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Meet, greet & collaborate!

Meet, greet & collaborate!
by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0
Welcome back, everyone! 

To help boost your creative output this next semester, I'd like to present some new networking opportunities to connect you with potential collaborators, find inspiration and fuel our community spirit 🤗

Collaboration Pitching offers you the chance to meet other creators and exchange ideas, project intentions and creator profiles. They're for you if you: 

  • are a Catalyst creator
  • are interested in connecting with other students from different classes, years or disciplines
  • have a project you would like to find collaborator/s for
  • are just curious!

Held online, these sessions are an informal and supportive space to share ideas, ask questions and hopefully find your muse :)  

  • Welcome & intros,
  • Brief presentations from those who have a project underway or concept in development that they’re looking for collaborators on,
  • Breakout into smaller rooms where you can ask questions about the specific projects you’re interested in (and/or just chat with other creators)

Want to pitch your project or idea?
Send an email to with a title, brief description (if you have) and preferred date, and I will schedule you a time (3-5mins plus initial clarifying Q&A).

Don’t want to pitch? 
No worries! You don’t have to have a project in mind in order to join. If you’re just interested in meeting people or seeing what’s being created around the school, come along. Or if you just don’t feel ready to present yet, you can watch and see how it goes - there will also be a chance for those inspired on the night to have a go too. 

When is this happening?
The first scheduled dates are below. These are all in the your Student Events calendar, which can be viewed in your Google Cal (from here you can add to your personal calendar) and on Moodle. The below links are Facebook events hosted by the main student group.

  1. Tuesday 26th Jan, 19:00 
  2. Thursday 11th Feb, 19:00
  3. Wednesday 24th Feb, 19:00 
What else? 
In between meeting up in-person or online, we have x2 more ways for you to connect with other creators. These Facebook groups are focussed specifically on finding projects and collaborators in music or film production. They're also open to people and organisations from outside the school. 

Catalyst: Crew Call:
Impulse Response (brand new group!): 

If you have any questions, please get in touch:

Reach out & connect!