When: Thursday 05 March
Time: 17:00 - 19:00
Where: Co-Mingle
Dave, our founder, really enjoyed meeting and chatting with many of you when he came to discuss the rebrand before Christmas.
We value your thoughts and ideas, so we would like to keep this conversation going. Every few weeks we will be holding a feedback evening, between Dave the founder of dBs Berlin and yourselves as dBs students. These events are for those of you who actively want to engage in conversation about our work together, to brainstorm, to share information or just to listen to the other conversations taking place.
They are intended to be open forums but shouldn’t be considered as a replacement for the more formalised feedback mechanisms we already have. We will bring questions, create discussion themes and pass on information at these events but mostly they are there as an opportunity to chat, meet up and talk about whatever is on your mind.
Beers and snacks will be provided!
If you would like to attend then please RSVP HERE: