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Being A Leader - Building Dreams Into New Futures

Being A Leader - Building Dreams Into New Futures
by David Louis Puttick -
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Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I spoke with many of you before Christmas about the first ‘Being A Leader’ course at dBs Berlin which takes place in June 2020. A website is now available here with more course information. 

Please read the course information carefully. If you have any questions about the course which are not answered on the site please send them via the contact form on the website or feel free to catch me any time I am in Berlin

If you decide that you would like to take the course please register as soon as possible as course places are limited. At €300 we have kept the price very low in order to make it available to the widest number of students. When this course is delivered outside of a university it costs north of €2000.

I would urge you to seriously consider taking the course if you want to bring leadership skills into your personal toolbox whether for use in your life, your learning or your creative projects.

However you measure it and whatever artistic realm you are working in, I suspect that most of you would like to achieve success with your creative endeavour. There are many types of success an individual may want to achieve. From successful completion of an artistic exploration all the way through to financial security and a global audience. 

This requires leadership. Leadership to complete your creative project, leadership to bring your work into the external world and leadership to attract an audience to share, appreciate and follow your work.

I will be supporting the delivery of this course so for those of you who sign up, I look forward to seeing you there.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek - Barack Obama