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Guest Session // Headless Horseman

Guest Session // Headless Horseman
by Hannah Deans -
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Join us for a special on the couch chat with Headless Horseman and dBs Tutor, Chris (aka Kamikaze Space Programme).

When: Tuesday 12th Feb, 18:15
Where: CoMingle, dBs Berlin

From the shadows to the stage, Headless Horseman's musical efforts are meticulously executed without compromise. The eponymous Headless releases sum up the modus operandi of this artist: dark, raw, cinematic and rhythmic IDM flavoured Techno.
His hardware only live sets at Berghain, Berlin Atonal, Boiler Room and worldwide have showcased the Horseman’s insurmountable skills as a producer and cemented his place in todays techno scene.

Note that this is not a public session. If you would like to bring a friend that's not a current student, please get in touch with